
  1. Enter your JAMB Registration Number

  2. Enter the password you'll use during log in

  3. Re-Enter the password again for the purpose of confirming that you know it

  4. Enter other personal details as provided for by the input boxes

  5. Ensure you write your names correctly as you have it on JAMB.

  6. Click the Create Profile button

Profile Creation Form

Account Login Information:

UTME Reg. No.
(*Max 6 characters)
Confirm Password
(*Max 6 characters)
Personal Information:

Ensure you write your names correctly as you have it on JAMB.
First Name
Other Name
Male Female
Date of Birth
Email Address
Alternative Email
Marital Status
Address Resident
City Resident
State Resident
Country Resident
State Origin
lga origin
Country origin
Sponsor name
Sponsor Relationship
Sponsor Email
Sponsor Phone
Next of Kin Name
Next of Kin Relationship
Next of Kin Email
Next of Kin Phone
Next of Kin Address
Security Question
Security Answer

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